Home Birth
Doula Services
You've got this.
After many wonderful years of doing both home and hospital births, Pure Harmony Families is focusing on serving parents who are planning Home Births. Aimée has been privileged to work alongside some wonderful doctors and nurses, so parents who decide to make a change of plans from home to hospital birth for any reason will find that she is adept in helping to make that transition a positive one.
Home birth has a special flavour to it and Pure Harmony Families is pleased to assist many of the growing numbers of families who are choosing this option. For families, there's nothing like being tucked into bed with your the brand new baby while your doula tidies the house and makes you something yummy to eat.
Aimée takes a maximum of one family per month. This means that each family receives exceptional attention throughout their pregnancy, birth, and postpartum period.
Pure Harmony serves families who are planning midwife-assisted homebirths.
Birth Doula Package
Home Water Birth
For those who would like the option to labour or birth in the water, our doula package includes rental of a birth pool, air pump, and water drainage pump, (you may need to buy your disposable liner, drop-sheet, padding, debris net, and thermometer separately).
Unlike other birth pool packages that come with doula services, your birth pool is available to keep in your home starting in week 37, so you don't have to worry that your doula might not be able to arrive with it when you need it (if, for instance, she's at another birth during your early labour), or that it might not be available at all (if someone else just finished using it and it hasn't been properly sanitized yet).
There are three birth pools to choose from, so scarcity isn't a problem.
Pain Management You Control
You will also have the benefit of having a maternal TENS machine which I deliver and demonstrate at our second prenatal meeting. I've seen first-hand the benefits of using a TENS during labour and want this option to be open to all of the families I serve.
Because you'll have it at home already, you can use it from the very first contractions to help kick-start your endorphin production. It's even helpful with pre-labour!​
Prenatal & Birth Massage
Aimée has been a practitioner of prenatal and postpartum massage since 2004 and has been trained in the use of acupressure and TENS machines for labour.
Starting in your 38th week, enjoy the benefits of a weekly relaxation massage in the comfort of your own home.
She also brings those skills to your birth, providing hours of relief with strong and experienced hands.
Birth Doula Fee: $1300
Birth Doula Experience: 15 years and 379 births attended
Training and Certifications
Hypnobabies - Certified Hypno-Doula
Birthing From Within - Level two mentor training completed
Breastfeeding Consultant Certificate (extended course) - Douglas College Perinatal Program
16 years as a massage practitioner
Certificate for acupressure for labour from Debra Betts
BA in First Nations Studies
Specialized Training and Experience
Cesarean birth
Cross-cultural adaptivity
High risk
Home Birth
LGBTQI Families
Over 40
Postpartum mood disorders
Single parents
Survivors of Previous Life Trauma
Survivors of childhood sexual abuse