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Birth Principles


The Birth Plan Alternative

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Support your relationship and your baby in childbirth & the early postpartum period.

Even if you have decided not to have a birth plan, you can still write a letter that outlines your guiding principles so that caregivers can understand where you’re coming from as you navigate the unknown and unexpected in labour, birth, and the first precious hours with your baby.


If you have decided to write a birth plan, starting with your guiding principles can help to clarify those plans for anyone who is a part of your birth. There’s a big difference between wanting to avoid an epidural because you’re afraid of needles (possible guiding principle: having your fears be acknowledged and respected) and wanting to avoid it because you hate the idea of not being able to walk around, for example (possible guiding principle: remaining as active as possible throughout labour).


Join Aimée to dig deep to find and express your own Guiding Principles for Birth and Parenting (hint: they are the same things!).

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Aimée's Training and Certifications


  • Hypnobabies - Certified Hypno-Doula

  • Birthing From Within - Level two mentor training completed

  • Breastfeeding Consultant Certificate (extended course) - Douglas College Perinatal Program

  • 16 years as a massage practitioner

  • Certificate for acupressure for labour from Debra Betts

  • BA in First Nations Studies




Specialized Training and Experience


  • Cesarean birth

  • Cross-cultural adaptivity

  • High risk

  • Home Birth

  • LGBTQI Families

  • Multiples

  • Over 40

  • Postpartum mood disorders

  • Prematurity

  • Single parents

  • Survivors of Previous Life Trauma

  • Survivors of childhood sexual abuse

  • Teens

  • Twins

  • VBAC

  • Waterbirth

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